tutu cute tuesday...
This is Evyn. Is she a doll, or what? She's wearing our strawberry shortcake tutu, and we think she's about as sweet as she can be. So we just had to share.
In fact, we have an ever-growing collection of sweethearts modeling their 2000 tutus tutus, and we're feeling a little selfish, keeping all that cuteness to ourselves. So every Tuesday, we'll feature a new photo. If you haven't sent us a photo of your little darling in one of our tutus, now's your chance! Just email it to contact.2000tutus@rocketmail.com and make a note that we have your permission to post your photo. Of course, we will always protect your privacy by only posting a first name. And we'll also be ever so happy to have your photos for Mary-Kate's scrapbook so that someday she can look at all the photos of the beautiful little girls who helped bring her home. That's pretty sweet, too, eh?
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